The Purpose of Organizations

Picture by: Stareater
“A company is one of humanity’s most amazing inventions. It’s totally abstract. Sure, you have to build something with bricks and mortar to put the people in, but basically a company is this abstract construct we’ve invented, and it’s incredibly powerful,” says Steven Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios. From his quote we can understand that organizations are powerful, therefore has a huge responsibility which feeds their purpose. Whether it’s building an airport or selling books, some organizations are more potent to carry out small activities while others are more capable of conducting larger projects. 

Sole Trader
Sole traders are single individuals carrying on a business on their own. The most common form of business organization is that of a sole trader. It is easy to establish such a business for there are few formal procedures. Below are some advantages and disadvantages of a Sole trader.

The owner makes independent decisions and have complete control over management
Unlimited Liability
Personal contact with employees and customers
Lack of continuity in case of owner’s death. The business may have to be sold to meet inheritance tax liabilities
High profit since sole traders start business with their own capital
Has to bear the demands of hard work, long hours in the competitive market alone
Less paper work compare to other businesses
Technological enhancements are few in such business because cannot afford the heavy capital needed.

Partnerships are two or more individuals joining together sharing profit and losses to run a business. In partnerships there is a written agreement between the partners stating how the profit and losses will be divided among them. It is one stage beyond the sole trader but it does not necessarily grow out of sole proprietorship. Sometimes a business begins as a partnership. The management of the business is carried out by all the partners of the business and they should all be consulted before any vital decision related to the business is taken. For example, a meeting is held between all the partners of a firm to decide on the opening of a new branch or office. Below are some advantages and disadvantages of a partnership. 

More capital since more people are involved
Unlimited liability.
More people allow specialization. For example, one of the partners could be specialized in the field of telecommunications while one of the others could be specialized in the field of Architecture. Their expertise can be used for the development of the business. To widen its prospects in the market, this will allow them to be a strong competitor.
Lack of continuity in case of death of a partner. If one the owner dies or leaves the partnership, the partnership is at an end and a new one has to be formed

Since each partner has a say in what goes on in the organizations it allows disagreements which may cause delays damaging to the business

May suffer shortage of capital since there is a limit to the amount of capital that can be withdrawn from the partners.
Private Limited Company 
The distinctive feature of a private limited company is its ownership. They are owned and financed by individuals. This type of companies wary in nature and size and the type of goods and services provided and also their name must end with the word “Limited”. Some sole traders may start the business as a limited company just to obtain the benefits of limited liability. It allows a large number of people to contribute funds since they wouldn’t have to incur any further capital to meet company debts. 

Limited liability due to its independent legal status
A shareholder of the company can only transfer his or her shares to someone else with the consent of the other shareholders.
With limited liability the company is able to attract capital from people who would not otherwise be prepared to invest.
Since they are not allow to sell shares to the general public it would be difficult to raise funds for expansion or development of the business
The founders of the company can keep control of the business by holding majority of the shares

Public Limited Company
The largest and most important business units are composed of public limited companies. For example Unilever employs over 300,000 people and their sales average over 60 million every day of the year. Public limited companies are operated by a wide range of investors. The name of such companies must end with the words “Public limited company” (plc). Below are some advantages and disadvantages of a Public Limited Company. 

Limited liability due to its independent legal status
Complex formalities in the initial forming of the organization
Contrary to Private limited companies, it is allowed to appeal the general public for funds
Raising capital can be expensive
No restriction in the transferring of shares
Have to comply with several regulations put forth by the government in order to protect the shareholder or the general public.

The owners have little control over the business.

Voluntary Organizations
 Voluntary organization also known as non-profit organizations include private societies and charities run by individuals. The prime beneficiary of such organizations is public at large. Below are some advantages and disadvantages of Voluntary Organizations. There are a range of functions that are carried out by voluntary organizations. Some of these functions include:

·         Culture and recreation.
·         Education and research.
·         Health.
·         Social Services.
·         Development and housing.
·         Environment.

Flexibility – Such organizations are easy to setup and close down if needed.
Unlimited liability.
Privacy – Have total control over the operations of the organization.
Will not be able to carry out projects that require a big budget.
Reputation – Since such organizations exist to make contributions to community care, with the activities carry out for this purpose they will be able to have a high reputation among the citizens.  
The income received through charity can only be used for the organization’s charitable objectives.  
Income can be earned through charities.

Relieved from having to pay taxes. Example: No cooperation tax.

A cooperative is defined as a business which is owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit. Some of the types of cooperatives include:

·         Retail Cooperatives.
·         Farming Cooperatives.
·         Consumer Cooperatives
·         Worker Cooperatives.

One of the largest cooperative is The Cooperative Group in UK. Currently they operate 4,500 retail outlets and almost 87,000 employees. Their purpose as mentioned in their website is “Championing a better way to do business for you and your communities”. This company branched out their business in the field of electricity, estates, funeral care and insurance etc.
As mentioned above the certain types of cooperatives, they all have distinguishing characters from one other. They can be characterized by the structure as well as the product or service they provide. The labels they are given depends on either the structure or a service. For example a group of individuals form a cooperative to open a grocery store to sell food. This is called a consumer cooperative as well as a food cooperative. One label is defined by the structure; the consumer and the other is labeled by the product or service; food. Either one of these labels can be used to form the cooperative.

Open membership – Unless specified any individual can join the cooperative and leave when he sees fit.
Limited resources – Financial strength depends on the capital of its members and since the members involve individuals belonging to lower or middle class makes it difficult to operate large scale projects.
Service motive – Assists its members and consumers on the marketing and production of the products or services.
Inefficient Management – An open membership has its drawback when its members do not have the required knowledge of skills to sustain and grow the business.
Democratic Management – equality is widely practiced among all members thus every member has a say in the decisions made.
Disputes among members – Another drawback of having and open membership is it allows people of different views and background to join as members thus forming disputes.
Stability and continuity – Since membership is open to all, the cooperative does not stop its operations due to a death or leaving of a member. With new members comes new ideas and this allows for a stability and continuation.
Lack of secrecy – The operations of the cooperative is discussed is openly discussed which allows for competitors to compete easily.